a few men wearing safety vests and working on a car

Asset Maintenance

Olameter assembles and trains field crews to perform a variety of routine or specialized maintenance tasks. If you have an unusual requirement, let us develop a program tailored to meet your specific needs.

a fire hydrant next to a traffic cone

Our Maintenance Services

All maintenance work is dispatched and documented using Olameter's Workforce Management System. Here are examples of programs that were tailored to meet the needs of utilities.


Gas Meter Corrosion

Gas meters and standpipes are examined for corrosion. All exposed metal is cleaned, and anti-corrosive paint is applied as needed.


Valve Box Maintenance

Valve boxes can be located above or below grade. For those above grade, the valve box is cleaned of any debris and painted as required. For those below grade, hydro-excavation techniques (fast and tidy) are used. The excavation is then backfilled to grade.

Have a Question?

Interested in learning more about our utility asset services and data solutions? Get in touch with us today.