a man wearing a safety vest holding a large gun

Pole Audits

Power and communications utilities rely heavily on poles, as do streetlight and traffic signaling systems.  A single pole might “support” the needs of several utilities. Many are made of wood.

a group of power lines

Assess and Restore

Many utilities hire Olameter to inspect their poles in order to:

  • Quantify the degree of joint-use
  • Assess the remaining strength of the pole in order to plan change-outs or chemical treatment
  • Find the defective lamps
  • Restore pole identification tags, and collect data


Remaining Strength Tests

Olameter personnel perform strength testing of wooden poles using a non-destructive boring technology supplied by IML Resistograph. This technique offers a number of benefits:

  • It is a low cost way to accurately estimate the residual strength of the pole
  • It does not require excavation at the pole's base
  • The technique does not weaken the pole or otherwise require backfilling of the borehole


Joint-Use Audits

Regulators impose "joint-use analysis" in order to assure that the costs of a pole are properly allocated to the ratepayers. Our Field Service Representatives are trained to identify and record primary and secondary conductors, switches, transformers, lightning arresters, insulators, luminaries, communication lines, and any other attributes as requested by the client.
While in the field, we also:

  • Record pole attributes, including attachments, pole ID, species, height, class, location Identify any visible damage
  • Test ground wire resistance


Streetlight Audits

Olameter's Workforce Management System for streetlight audits allows the recording of any asset information requested by the client:

  • Visual Inspection of the pole to record any pertinent information, including road class, width, number of lanes, setback from road, pole ID/serial number, pole type, assets, fixture type and wattage, arm length, voltage, and hazards. Any other information the client would like to collect would also be recorded in the visual inspection
  • Pole ID Installation for utilities that do not have unique identification numbers for their poles. We are able to source, assemble, install and record new ID tags for all poles
  • Lamp Height and Arm Length measurement
  • Lumen Verification in order to check that the bulb is functioning and in compliance with IESNA standards

Have a Question?

Interested in learning more about our utility asset services and data solutions? Get in touch with us today.